The Asian Medial Institute (AMI) is a world class medical training program in Kabul, Afghanistan. The AMI is fully managed by Afghan medical staff with international advisory support.

The institute was established by the Family Health Organization of Afghanistan (FHO-A) at the Kabul International Hospital in 2010, and operates independently since 2013. The institute offers programs for 1,200 men and women each term who are seeking an education in nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, laboratory technology, and midwifery.

The Brenda Nursing School for Afghanistan was established with the support of Brenda and Keith Brown. The people of Afghanistan are forever grateful for their friendship and support.

*Accredited by the Afghanistan Ministry of Health

If you are interested in joining our program, please visit the Kabul International Hospital, one of our satellite locations,  or contact our staff.

Prospective students may request more information by sending an email to