Our Mission
1. Ensuring that all people, rural or urban, have access to the environmental and health resources they need.
2. Implement quality and efficient health and social development projects according to the needs of the local communities.
3. Provide long-term support to the Afghan people that will have a positive impact on women, children, and the community as a whole.
4. Encouraging communities to understand the relationship between their daily activities and their health.
Welcome to the Family Health Organization of Afghanistan!
The Family Health Organization of Afghanistan (FHO-A) is a group of public health professionals dedicated to fighting poverty, disease, and injustice. Please take the time to visit our website to better understand our cause and the impact we hope to leave on the world.
As a part of the Afghan aid community since 2008, members of the FHO-A have adopted a charter that aims to empower the Afghan people through increased public education, access to healthcare, and fostering community dialogue. The FHO-A is a not-for-profit public health group established with the main objective of improving the socio-economic status of vulnerable and internally displaced people, particularly women and children, through direct involvement in education, health, and civil society development projects. Wherever possible, the FHO-A supports the integration of programs with others in order to minimize the cost of service delivery and facilitate access to services by vulnerable groups such as those with special needs, women, and children.
Colombo Plan Colombo Plan
The FHO-A is implementing drug demand reduction programs with support from the Colombo Plan and the U.S Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement.
G4 Alliance
The FHO-A is a founding member of the G4 Alliance, which is committed to advocating for the neglected surgical patient and is driven by a mission of providing a collective voice for increasing access to safe, essential and timely surgical, obstetric, trauma, and anesthesia care.
The FHO-A has provided hygiene training programs to teachers of Nangarhar province in partnership with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Additionally the FHO-A conducts awareness campaigns on healthy habits, drug use, and relapse prevention, which reach more than 1,000 middle and high schools students throughout Nangarhar province.
The FHO-A and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) have partnered to fight the increasing problems of drug abuse and HIV in Afghanistan.
Please visit the UNODC’s website for more information on our projects.
Our Values
Good stewardship is fundamental to the way we conduct business. Human, technical, and financial resources are organized to ensure that program goals are achieved through the most efficient utilization of assets.
Dialogue will be fostered at every level of society. We strive to be an inclusive organization willing to partner with whoever shares our values and goals. We will work closely with our constituents, governments, health care providers, donors, and one another to promote openness and further our mission.
Community Input
We will encourage public review and participation. Our services are designed with the community in mind and, therefore, are accessible and provided in a timely manner. We will be flexible and responsive to changes in our social, economic, and technological environments.
We are sensitive to the needs of all stakeholders in providing services. Stakeholders are provided services in the spirit of assisting individuals and serving the broader public interest. Cooperative relationships with other units of government and nonprofit and business sectors will be cultivated. Employees and volunteers are respected and will be encouraged to be innovative
Our employees recognize that they are entrusted to provide public services and will conduct business in a responsive and professional manner that fosters public confidence and furthers our mission. FHO operates with integrity and strives to uphold the highest ethical standards.